Building your team throughprocess driven hiring

We understand the unique challenges and opportunities that come with hiring for consulting projects. Our firsthand experience with consulting and freelancing has allowed us to develop a process that is able to adapt to your needs and deliver the best talent.

Working with us

The right talent in a matter of days

We know how important speed of hiring is to you. Our process can be as fast as one week from initial contact to a hired professional.


Define requirements

Together we are developing the ideal profile: Augmented by an assessment of your team's goals and our expertise, we can quickly zone in the ideal candidate profile and can already filter to the experts in our network — laying the groundwork for success.


Find the ideal candidate

We are approaching our trusted consultants with your project and the requirements in terms of duration, content, availability and pricing. Of course we are ensuring that only the most relevant information is disclosed.



Based on the shortlist of interested candidates, you can pick the most relevant ones for your project and we schedule an interview together. If needed, more interviews are always possible.



Based on the interviews the right candidate is selected and the paperwork is prepared.



Start the project with your fully-equipped team and the best freelance candidates working hand in hand with the full-time consultants.

Get started today

Find the best talent for your company